So anyways, today we’ll be talking about the cash flow bucket picture you see on the left side of your screen. The bucket represents your monthly budget. Inside the bucket is water which represents your balance.
The green arrows at the top shows the money that you earn from income or loans going into your balance. The curved green arrows at the right shows your savings entering your balance and investments leaving your balance.
The red arrows at the bottom shows your money that you pay your bills or expenses with leaving your balance. And finally, the red arrow with the curve at the left is you paying off your loans from before.
As of right now, I’m a teenager and I don't have a budget. But when I become a financial adult, I will have a steady job and good income so I can start saving off into my savings account and not be beyond.
Before we get started, if you don’t know what a person living within, paycheck to paycheck, or beyond means, then I suggest you go to my pages talking about them in the cash flow drop down menu above.
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